If you own a small business, you may have different insurance coverage needs than an individual would have. Not only do you have different driving patterns and situations, but you may also have multiple cars and drivers to insure, as well as third party passengers to take care of. If you are looking for cheap car insurance for your business, there are some things you should know about commercial car insurance:
Unlike personal automobile insurance, commercial vehicle insurance can be tweaked to fit the unique needs of almost every kind of business that would use vehicles.
If you have employees that use their own vehicles for business purposes, you can purchase liability insurance that will extend coverage to them. If your business vehicle is out of commission due to repairs, you may be entitled to financial support to help compensate for lost profits. Many of the major cheap car insurance companies will offer risk management tools for your fleet of commercial vehicles. Typically, if you or an employee totals a vehicle, the full cost of the car can be recovered.
Some policies will automatically extend coverage to third party passengers such as clients. If you routinely carry passengers, make sure to ask about this policy.
If any of these sound like good reasons for you to go with a commercial car insurance policy, we recommend comparison-shopping to get the best deal. Shopping around can make you aware of various deals and discounts that you may be able to get. Many websites allow you to get quotes from multiple companies at once, greatly reducing your search time.
Here are some more tips for you to follow in order to get cheap car insurance for your small business:
Choose the highest deductible you can – the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. The deductible only matters if you need to submit a claim, so keep this in mind when choosing.
Make sure your credit score is good, and fix any potential problems. Many insurance companies use this information in their quotes, though it is possible to find companies that do not, or do not emphasize credit scores as much. Keep researching! Don’t choose the first quote you see or the first discount you come across. There are many deals out there and many different coverage options and perks – you won’t know they’re there until you look!